Monday, December 17, 2012

T-shirts that make a difference!

Reece's Rainbow has been working hard to let others outside of the adoption community know about these orphans. People magazine has done several articles. Diane Sawyer reported on ABC news about a Reece's Rainbow adoptive family. I can't tell you how important it is to share what this wonderful ministry is doing for orphans and families who seek to adopt them. We have until December 31 to get all 200+ children on the angel tree to their $1000 goal. As of this blog post 163 children are not at their goal yet, including my angel, Garrett. This morning we learned that Sevenly, an organization that chooses one charity a week to promote, has picked Reece's Rainbow! They design cool and hip looking t-shirts and hoodies that promote not only that week's organization but the message that charity hopes to convey as well. For every purchase made, Sevenly gives Reece's Rainbow $7.00! All the angels could get bumped up to their goal if we raise enough. These T-shirts can really make a difference to these children and are awesome looking too.

Womens Dolman
 Mens Hoodie

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It has been a while since my last post...It is a busy time of year for everyone and our family is not exception.  Well, sweet Garrett's grant fund has grown ever so slowly. I worry a bit that he will not get to his $1000 goal by December 31. There is so much competition this time of year for your pocketbook. I am well aware that people are busy Christmas shopping for all their loved ones, attending lovely, festive parties, and making last minute travel plans to gather with those they love. I am guilty of these pleasures as well...Please consider for one moment this child, Garrett, who has no loved ones.


 No one buys him Christmas one takes him to Christmas parties. No one travels to visit him. No one. It is hard to fathom having no one. I have parents, a wonderful husband, five great kids, two grandbabies, and lots of extended family. I have a great church family both here in CA and from our last home in TX. I know very few people who are truly alone, especially this time of year. For 147 million plus children in this world that is their reality. Little Garrett also has his third birthday sometime this month. No one has ever celebrated it with him though. No birthday presents or birthday cake. No bouncy house or streamers. Can we make a difference for this child?  Please pray for him. Share his story and my blog. Donate toward his adoption grant. Maybe you can picture this little blondie running around in your home. If God is tugging on your heart to be Garrett's family, be bold and take that next step. He deserves to have a family.  Please let this Christmas be his last Christmas alone.

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